Precious paintings seized in anti-mafia busts will be on view at a new museum in Reggio Calabria, sources said Monday.
The Palace of Culture opening to the public on May 7 will be endowed with a permanent collection of 125 paintings by the likes of Giorgio de Chirico, Salvador Dalì, and numerous artists from 1600-1700.
The new museum will also house a collection of 16th-17th century Russian icons and paintings – including a painting of St. George attributed to Renaissance artist Antonello da Messina – as well as a library of rare 18th and 19th century books.
It comes as part of a Reggio Calabria city and province program to fight organized crime through art. “Culture and the fight for lawfulness are tightly linked,” provincial culture councillor Eduardo Lamberti-Castronuovo said in a statement.
“The exhibition of artworks confiscated from the mafia will remain always as a sign and a warning,” he said.